
A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives.


The objective is to arouse a simple reaction in the political life which, in its emergence, spends its force as a permanent change in the political temper of the people. In that different attitude to life, showing more individualism because of the decay that signals, that most of the citizens have become more selfish; thus the need for a pure democracy, in that form of democracy and a theory of civics, in which sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate; as a method of direct democracy in support of KSP.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The more we think, the more we know that we have the flavours on toast.

As is natural taste active, deciding, choosing, changing, arranging; in which the health of time is now conserved; the "faculty or sense by which the flavour of all things is discerned, calls to a gathering of people to raise their glasses and drink together. A last flavoured sip for the year just running out and a sip for every months flavour of the coming year.

Turn, turn the wheel of time and call it 2015 — just for a year. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

2015 - There is more to it.

To ulc, the men, I did say Do not covet beauty of form in women with a view to fornicating with them,
To ulh, the women, I say should You permit fornicating, Do not divulge the secret of a man who has put His trust in You.

But this is the pact which I made with the chicks, my pupils, and they adjure me with the following words:
Do not take any reward which may be offered in order to induce You to destroy and to ruin,
Do not harden Your heart and turn it away by saying of what is good,  is bad; nor of what is bad, is good,
Do not adopt the ways of the religions as they do charms, augury and sorcery in order to separate a child from the parents or a parent from the child,
You shall not covet any wealth or reward which may be offered in order to induce You to help in a lustful desire, or crimes of passion.
You shall stick to science and the scientific approach to learning with the intention to treat.
Now then keep your trust in KSP. And be Your KSP for all the flesh and living.

For it is KSP who teaches all knowledge with a learning treatment and causes curative plants to grow
And the ability of every living being is in its own hands to design and to make grow
And there is none else but the self that can deliver out of ones own hands.
Be KSP always and seek KSP in truth, in righteousness in an upright way, in order that You should prosper in all Your works.
And KSP will give You aid to make You succeed in what You are doing, and You shall be said to be happy in the body, mouth and lips of all flesh by touch, conversation and kissing.
You will be regarded as a player in the eyes of all flesh, and all the flesh will say:
No Love. No religion. No crime. Just Play the Game.
ULHC, PHERO and KSP  shall not incline after lucre so as to help a citizen in shedding innocent blood.
Give Your advice to clean the society from religious crimes, wars and crusades.
 Religion is not Your war.
As for You, be strong, do not let Your hands be weak, for Your work is appreciated,
KSP is You, while You are with KSP. 
Do not attempt to lure any one by means of a potion of herbs. 
You shall not mix an intoxicating drug or drink for any man or woman so that he or she should lose the mind in doing the mathematics.
You shall not speak of the herbs out of which such drugs are made. 
You shall not hand them over to any one child or adult to pollute their mental abilities
And you shall not talk about any matter connected with this to promote any abusive use.
You shall not pollute any persons blood in any work of medicine. 
No matter how filthy anything gets You will clean it up.
You shall not be ruled - Your eyes and Your heart being lifted up - by a clear mind.
You shall not change Your words in anything, but be pure, true and upright. 
You skall keep what nature has given to You. 
And You shall take care of what is given to You. 
Thus did I agree with My pupils.
I shall be President.

The conference ended with the intention to treat every disability and with a joint pledge to limit nonsensical talk of every kind.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

KSP i en satsning på en lärande miljö - i synnerhet Matematik


Nu lanseras KSP 
med en fem tals serie 
i en gen modifierad 
funktionell stats modell 
Kalla den PHERO om Du vill


KSP - i fem reella punkter

( Där Du har fem - har Du sex )

1. Nationens huvudstad i Norrland
2. Åtalsfrihet (vid ej grova brott) för alla i lära
3. Tio vånings hög Universe City @upsala
4. Skuldfri skolgång och högre utbildning
5. En maximal arbetslöshet som främjar utbildning

Just play the Game and I will be President

KSP - talet

är summan, differensen, produkten och kvoten 
av samtliga nationella tal värden. 
Då KSP är ett reellt tal 
(Där FEM naturliga tal finns - finns SEX) 

1. (talet en eller ett)
Nationens totala och reella talmängd 
har en naturlig huvudstad i Norrland

2. (talet två)
Klanderfri (vid ej grova avsteg) för alla punkter 
i en kontinuerlig lära på den reella tallinjen 

3. (talet tre)
En talmängd eller figurtal av all kunskap i en tio vånings hög
Universe City som bildas genom en successiv addition av termerna
i en aritmetisk serie

4. (talet fyra)
Resultatet i naturliga eller hela positiva tal, 
för skolgång och den högre utbildningen, 
mätt i upprepade sammanslagningar av samtliga hela tal,
för såväl nationens rationella som irrationella tal

5. (talet fem)
Det största värdet på en 
nationell sysselsättningsgrad och arbetslöshet 
för att öka PHERO´s verkliga och abstrakta kvalitéer

Just play the Game and I will be President

är ett komplext tal
som kan ses som en utvidgning av de reella talen

KSP - formeln

- En formel som innehåller andra än de okända villkor
- Som antas vara kända och vissa är uttryck
- Genom att flytta dem runt gör uttryck en uppsättning ekvationer

5 + ulhc + phero = ksp + 6

1. Varje sida av balansen motsvarar
till andra sidan av balansen 
2. Olika mängder kan placeras
på varje sida av balansen.
3. Processen att hitta lösningar 
är att lösa ekvationen.
4. En identitet är ett uttalande som liknar en 
ekvation, som är sant för alla möjliga värden på 
variabeln (-lerna) den innehåller.
5. En lösning till systemet är en uppsättning värden för var och en av de okända.

Bara spela spelet och jag skall vara President

KSP - integriteten

är den nationella integralens värde och tillämpningar
Då KSP är den funktion 
där alla FEM olika x -värden 
får EN lösning, f(x) = SEX, (x är ett naturligt tal)
f(1) = 6. Nationens funktionella huvudstad i Norrland
f(2) = 6. Åtalsfrihet (vid ej grova brott) för alla i funktionell lära
f(3) = 6. En tio vånings hög funktionell Universe City 
f(4) = 6. Skuldfri skolgång och högre utbildning i en funktionell miljö 
f(5) = 6. En sysselsättningsgrad och en arbetslöshet som främjar en funktionell PHERO

Just play the Game and I will be President

Let us call it - Transparent Functionalism