
A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives.


The objective is to arouse a simple reaction in the political life which, in its emergence, spends its force as a permanent change in the political temper of the people. In that different attitude to life, showing more individualism because of the decay that signals, that most of the citizens have become more selfish; thus the need for a pure democracy, in that form of democracy and a theory of civics, in which sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate; as a method of direct democracy in support of KSP.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Pursue part and party and pleasure !

In the worthies of the world one cared much of the worldly wealth, desiring only to make both ends meet and so they think they succeeded for now it is again another timely year´s end. A year and a day, the period specified in some legal matters to ensure the completion of a full year - that limited space of time. However, the wheel of time with no beginning and no end is affected by its own direct influences. Bringing to an awareness that when the wheels within wheels begin to turn and efforts are made to have every talk and sentence reduced, there should be a way to end 2016 and begin 2017 expressing time as an indefinite continuous duration. In a way to have a good time in pursuit of pleasure in the sense of the satisfaction of desires which is the highest good and proper aim of human life. 
Always stay sober as a judge that on the bench sat
For when to gain great pleasure from the situation let
At midnight revels where the gossips always met 
Making which a theme for all eternal orgasmic chat
To be asked what form great KSP would next devise 
And how PHERO would again supervise
And who should ULHC again advise
Why to Just Play the Game always
and rise

Friday, December 16, 2016

Putting Grant(h) in motion 0 - Mathetics

Sikhsth fields: Basics 0


Take chances to learn and keep the head. Think clearly or be in a sound mind and be disposed to learn. The learning by doing approach seems to be the best way to learn by self-discovery, when independent learning and creative thinking are being encouraged.
Often done in good humour to arouse the senses and inspire to bear in mind what is brought to the mind. So very simple is the art of learning, because a teacher is merely that something that teases to touch the mind. Because there is always something to learn when something allures or entices, by an attraction to be lured to, in a natural state of a conscious being. For such is the game in a continuous interplay of teaching and learning. That to exert a force on a thing, which is directed towards the original source of the things force. Like the forces defined by the law of gravitation. To bring to one´s attention and to think and to remember with understanding and reason to respond. To trouble oneself with and be careful about what is perceived and noticed and give a feed back.

For the powers or properties of one's mind, lie in the mental faculties to retain the primary sense of easiness. That common sense, in an aptitude for doing something in all its simplicity of being. In search for that real, often hidden, reason for something easily perceived or understood. Nature is itself clear, self-evident, and apparent, if and only if the human faculty of sense, feeling, consciousness; is correlated to the innate or essential qualities or character of a person or animal or plant. For it should lie in their nature to listen to the advice of the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth and the atmosphere, as opposed to humans or human artefacts and ornaments. 
Actually all of this happens in the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings. The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way is the phraseology and vocabulary of a particular profession, domain, or group making it the legal language. Then there is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others as will an animal or person behave in response to a particular situation or stimulus, as do plants to light and the the
way in which a machine or natural phenomenon works or functions in conformity to the systematic series of digital, physical, mechanical, chemical, physiological, biological, psychological, sociological or legal operations that are performed in order to uphold or produce something. 
PIE: “Matha” is the forehead and all that lies behind it. 
Pertaining to the mind, housed in the anatomical temple. 

PIE: “Matha take”: To take it into one's head to do something. As to impetuously decide to do something. As to use ones head and work with the mind or as to put the mind to something.

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