
A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives.


The objective is to arouse a simple reaction in the political life which, in its emergence, spends its force as a permanent change in the political temper of the people. In that different attitude to life, showing more individualism because of the decay that signals, that most of the citizens have become more selfish; thus the need for a pure democracy, in that form of democracy and a theory of civics, in which sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate; as a method of direct democracy in support of KSP.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I know that anything I say or write can be used against me.

To understand fundamental causes of political development, we need to frankly and explicitly include and evaluate innate organic forces in humans. These forces help to generate and give direction to development, whether peaceful or violent. I suggest that, in addition to the desire to survive, which mankind share with all forms of life, there are innate metasurvival needs-notably dignity and power. These become active when survival is assured and when minimally solidary communities have been established. They then help determine the direction in which political institutions evolve.
On one hand here is a planet with threats to the lives of ourselves and all species everywhere on the rise. On the other hand here are the sciences, to which we look for answers on how to meet the threats. To act effectively within our dwindling time frame for action, a key strategic problem is to find an inspirational beginning place from which to move ahead.
What if over one hundred years ago, KSP was already there before everybody else not only anticipating chaos theory but also uncovering the “self-organizing processes” that only in our time are being considered the completing principle for evolution theory at all levels?
This is the challenge of defining the human ideal— or the normative end goal we seek to evoke and nurture as parents and as teachers in our functional but largely unconscious task of shaping the future. This is the context of the larger meaning for many years of identifying the normative characteristics of the self-actualizers. It is also what is newly meaningful about the life structural placement for all of us within the shift from defense, to growth, to motivation as the central drivers for personal, economic, political, and cultural evolution.
In constructing everything from houses and gardens to cities, our task is automatically shaped by the models for a range of ideal forms built up over thousands of years of the human discovery of what works best for the peculiar type of being what we are on this particular kind of planet.
Now let us try to construct a theory of evolution with no more sense of the practicalities of the norm and the ideal than a band of aliens newly dumped upon a strange planet. It is as though we were trying to tack together a house according to whatever the wind blew our way—with the consequence we shall see, when I get to more of the real rather than the fictional, of a basement on top and the roof underfoot.
The importance of self-organizing processes at all levels of evolution are based on genes and environment as the sole shapers for evolution, however we must add of a “ third factor,” which is the will—or for both the impact of the mind of the human agent on the shaping of our planetary destiny. So we may see here how in retrospect one can make a strong case for the use of these three pioneers for humanistic, transpersonal, and positive psychology as exemplars in launching a new move to build a “full spectrum, action-oriented” theory of human evolution. I know I speak for everyone who has ever been a student in saying it is people like this, who make life more larger than politics, to bring science— and more importantly the work of science— to life where it can otherwise lie there not only mystifying but dead and boring on the textbook page.
Long familiar to historians, sociologists, political scientists, and the working journalist is the control of most of us by all the hang-overs from the past, that go by the name “the power elite”, characterized by the control of both the masses and a widespread, passive and compliant academic elite through the possession of television, publishing, and practically all other media by an economic and political power elite, which finds in old style survival-of-the fittest, selfishness, that legitimizing or excuse it prefers from and pays for in science as abused by non scientific scientists.
It is vital to emphasize that, stylistic expressions of this kind have been used ever since, to prevent the plain speaking that might otherwise expose and arouse those fresh to science and still unintimidated to rise up against all that presently imprisons the mind of our species by religious indoctrination. It is this skillfully hidden and invariably conservative tandem power behind the scene that not only managed to either bury or hamstring the liberal social aspiration of the 1960s over the closing decades of the 20th century into now. With a realistic sense of what this new move is up against, then, what or who can we to turn to for the shock and the jolt of a new source of vision and an exemplar sufficiently effective to tip the balance of power back our way— which is to say to progressive science with its inevitable link to progressive politics, progressive economics, and progressive education? Enlightenment was and is yet a desire for human affairs to be guided by rationality rather than by faith, superstition, or revelation; a belief in the power of human reason to change society and liberate the individual from the restraints of custom or arbitrary authority; all backed up by a world view increasingly validated by science rather than by religion or its traditions.
Voltaire was exceedingly vocal against the Church, openly writing how it had been the "consistently implacable enemy of progress, decency, humanity and rationality," and how it had been the Church's interest to "keep people as ignorant and submissive as children. "Écrasez l' infime!" "(Crush the horrible thing!)". The latter because of the way science is abused by politics and economics to promote the “survival of the fittest” religions rather than mutual aid and co-operation for the common goodness of mankind. It must be made apparent in brain and in mind that this complex for education and learning, to run an election by natural selection, embeds the wisdom of past, present, and future in the grounding reality of the full wonder of nature in applied politics and its related economy.
For the right to be human and practice human rights and take action and control, because democracy is open to any and all who can get elected; "we just need to elect the right people." Nature is seen as a complex of interacting laws governing the universe. The individual human being, as part of that system, is designed to act rationally. If free to exercise their reason, people are naturally good and will act to further the happiness of others. Accordingly, both human righteousness and happiness requires freedom from needless restraints, such as many of those imposed by a state under church control.

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