
A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives.


The objective is to arouse a simple reaction in the political life which, in its emergence, spends its force as a permanent change in the political temper of the people. In that different attitude to life, showing more individualism because of the decay that signals, that most of the citizens have become more selfish; thus the need for a pure democracy, in that form of democracy and a theory of civics, in which sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate; as a method of direct democracy in support of KSP.

Monday, September 6, 2010

När tiderna förändras och ingen vill prata om det, gör KSP gärna det.

Pushing and pushing it all the way
when no one else wants to.
Why does one do it?
As all the rest once had promised
and that is what they did want.
For some did also change their minds.
And that is why all do as they do.
Is that not it?
That giant decision that once they made
to be a part of it one and all together.
Now it is one and all that do reconsider
together as one and all.
They should think about it
and just take a simple good bye
from what everyone only imagined
screaming at them
if it is not meant to be.
For those who yet hang on
to take it to the end
not to give away what is already won
are surely to be the unbelievable friends
that find their way to be
where all the rest still feel free
and make their home in KSP.
Do stay with me.

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