
A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives.


The objective is to arouse a simple reaction in the political life which, in its emergence, spends its force as a permanent change in the political temper of the people. In that different attitude to life, showing more individualism because of the decay that signals, that most of the citizens have become more selfish; thus the need for a pure democracy, in that form of democracy and a theory of civics, in which sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate; as a method of direct democracy in support of KSP.

Friday, December 31, 2021

A toast for my 2022 Presidency !

Let the DJ accompany a reggae backing track or music with an improvised  rhythmic speech, in a toasted voice, for the feeling of a beat, rapped in a sound softly and yet bold and sassy. But make sure the place is not packed, featuring the DJ’s toasting over dub tracks.

Brown sliced bread on both sides by exposure to a radiant heat, such as the grill or a fire. Spread butter on the toasts. Call the people sitting by the fire to a gathering around the browned food, especially the bread and cheese,  exposed to the grill and announce to raise the glasses and drink to a thing, worth toasting for. Warm yourself or a part of your body in front of a fire or some other source of heat and if you are too cold, allow someone else’s hands toast your hands, someone else’s cheek,  toast your cheek, and allow someone else’s body, toast your body.

Now drink to your health or in honour of someone or something by raising your glasses, together with all the others for 2022.

Be honest, whose toasting is the highlight of day one, 2022? 

Yours, someones else’e or the DJ’s?

Or is the oohing and aahing, of watching the fireworks, the highlight of the set?

A simple toast for a special occasion.

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