
A democracy in which the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives.


The objective is to arouse a simple reaction in the political life which, in its emergence, spends its force as a permanent change in the political temper of the people. In that different attitude to life, showing more individualism because of the decay that signals, that most of the citizens have become more selfish; thus the need for a pure democracy, in that form of democracy and a theory of civics, in which sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate; as a method of direct democracy in support of KSP.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

2022 is for transparency and understanding

With the kit set of steel beams, gears, blocks, shafts, wheels and levers, it is possible to create fully functional small machines as models and scale them up to building machines, ships, aeroplanes and rockets. Anyone should be able to build hundreds of real, functional models in shiny steel - bridges, cars, cranes that lift real loads and transport woven fabrics to make a sail or another wing. Shaping and framing with a standard building block kit is fantastically simple, and endlessly fascinating.

Not only could the building blocks make the ground, but also the walls, the roof and the windows and the doors. While the building blocks of the living matter could build the proteins, the carbohydrates, the fats, the minerals, the vitamins and the flavours. Just to serve us with our most basic needs. And if we can make proper use of our organ systems, we could live a pleasant lifetime making machines to make life simpler, by simply keeping us on the True Path of Nature without disturbing the order of natures Grant(h). 

Knowledge that includes mechanical engineering in all industries, railways, road transports, aviation and shipping, or for experimental inventions and scientific discoveries, is based on good communication with environmental changes and adaptations. Because nature is easy to understand. Therefore, the articles presented must be correct, validated and reliable, in order to receive enthusiastic approval from the technical and scientific scholars.

Entrust and support diplomacy with the VVV ULHC PHERO KSP 2022 Bug, in creating a very small universe, whose whole purpose is to nurture a generation of curious, driven, optimistic researchers, perceived to be frank, open, honest, truthful, patient, persevering, helpful Scholars, in the making of my CSRL, Community of Scholars in a Republic of Learning. So that, even the most lonely individual, in the Club, Community and the Republic can participate and experience with common joy.

VVV ULHC PHERO KSP is a future we anticipate - or perhaps we long for, for everyone to think and create with a mind of ones own, for the sake of democracy and what can come out of 2022. 

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